- District:
- School:
- PBIS Recommendation:
- Grades Served: K-12
- School Year:
Data Source - GA Awards
K12 Data are provided by GADOE from GADOE Student Record Data Collection. These data are processed and updated annually for this application in March.
Data Source - GA Awards
The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) provides K-12 data from its Student Record Data Collection. Every March, these data are processed and updated for this application.
Data Aggregates
Data are aggregated at the school level. Schools that have fewer than ten students with disciplinary incidents are excluded.
School Counts – A student is counted uniquely within each school he or she attended. For example, if a student attends multiple schools in a school year, he or she will be counted once for each school.
District Level – School counts for are added together to obtain district-level counts.
State Level – School counts are added together to obtain state-level counts.
NOTE: School Characteristics Display
School Climate Star Ratings, PBIS Recommendation, and Grades Served apply to school- level data only.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, data-driven framework that aims to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety, and support improved academic outcomes.
Student Metrics
Student Metrics
Enrollment – The total number of students enrolled based on the data selected (year/district/school/subgroup). These data are provided by the Georgia Department of Education’s (GaDOE) Student Record Data Collection.
Students with Incidents – The total number of students who were involved in at least one disciplinary incident in a school year. Please refer to Appendix A of the user guide for the disciplinary incident type descriptions.
In-School Suspension (ISS) Rate - Students receiving at least one ISS divided by total enrollment for that school year.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) Rate - Students receiving at least one OSS divided by total enrollment for that school year.
Expulsion Rate - Students expelled divided by total enrollment for that school year.
NOTE : All data in the student metrics section are unduplicated.
Discipline Incident Metrics
Discipline Incident Metrics
Total Incidents - Total number of discipline incidents in a school year.
Percent of Incidents Resulting in ISS - The percent of incidents resulting in ISS divided by the total number of incidents in that school year.
Percent of Incidents Resulting in OSS - The percent of incidents resulting in OSS divided by the total number of incidents in that school year.
Percent of Incidents Resulting in Expulsion - The percent of incidents resulting in expulsions divided by the total incidents in that school year.
NOTE : Please note this application EXCLUDES all schools that have fewer than ten students with disciplinary incidents in a school year. Schools in this category are NOT included in district- and/or state-level counts.
Percentage of Disciplinary Incident Occurrences
This chart displays the percentage of disciplinary incidents by selected subgroups. These percentages are listed in descending order.
Percentage of Population vs. Overall Population
This chart compares the percentage of students receiving disciplinary incidents by subgroup to the school or district’s total percentage of students in each subgroup.
Note: The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) provides K-12 student enrollment data (Student Record Data Collection) for all public schools in the State of Georgia. The overall population data consists of all students enrolled at any time during the academic year. This is different from the October and March full-time equivalent (FTE) counts.
Discipline Consequences
This chart displays the percentage of students by subgroup that received the various disciplinary consequences.
Incident-to-Action Flow Chart
This Incident-to-Action Flow Chart maps the incident that occurred with its consequence, broken down by gender and race/ethnicity. The width of each shaded bar depicts the percentage of incidents that occurred.
To drill deeper into the data, click on the colored vertical bars (nodes) or the horizonal shaded bars (links). The selections you make by clicking on the nodes and bars are displayed underneath the chart.
Incident-to-Action Flow Chart
The chart below shows how each discipline incident type leads to school actions in response, split out by gender and race/ethnicity. The width of the data links depicts the number of incident occurrence. Colored vertical bars (nodes) and flows (links) allow user to drill deeper. By clicking a node or a link user can drill down; and by clicking again data view is restored. User “Selections” made are neatly displayed at the bottom of this chart.
Clear Chart Selections